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Forging the future of radar technology

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这一年是2018年,人工智能和机器学习的普及程度正在上升. At the same time, 一个学习计算机科学的学生决定把他的论文集中在这个蓬勃发展的领域. Fast forward a few years, 现在,他已经成为Saab公司下一代雷达探测系统开发团队的Scrum Master. 所有ow us to introduce Eric Norgren.


Navigating the unknown

埃里克·诺格伦(Eric Norgren)对技术的热情从他记事起就一直存在于他的生活中. As a child, when playing around with his remote-controlled car, 他最喜欢它坏掉的时候,因为这样他就有机会在把它重新组装起来的时候试试自己的技术技能. 如今,他在星际网赌导航充分利用了自己对科技的好奇心,以及它的所有可能性

“我通过一个朋友联系上了星际网赌导航,当时他准备在这里写论文. They needed another person, so he recommended me. 在那一刻,让我感兴趣的是与人工智能和机器学习应用程序一起工作的机会. It was a rapidly emerging field, which generated a lot of buzz at school, and Saab was also keen on making it a focal point, 所以我是最早进入这个令人兴奋领域的团队成员之一," Eric shares. 
大海捞针:Eric是这样描述他在Saab担任Scrum Master的工作的. 识别来自雷达探测系统的大量数据中不同信号的含义无疑是一项挑战, but it's also equally important to solve.   
“就像在漆黑的黑暗中开车,有人打开了手电筒. The radar acts as this flashlight, illuminating the darkness and allowing us to identify objects, but we still don't know what they are. On top of that, we see all these signals at once, 好像有人同时从四面八方照射着手电筒. 我们的任务是训练系统区分这些信号并识别任何潜在的威胁. It's a challenging and exciting task to work with," Eric continues. 

Eric Norgren

From thesis to tech leadership 

自从埃里克加入星际网赌导航以来,人们对人工智能的兴趣不断增长,他的团队也是如此. In only a year, 团队成员从4人增长到12人,与此相关, Eric has taken on a leading role at the company, ensuring that the team is working in an agile and effective way.  
“随着我们团队的扩大,我有机会担任领导角色. While I've always had a keen interest in the technical side, recently, 我也很想在领导职位上一试身手. I'm grateful for the support I received in pursuing this desire, 让我在这个职位上继续深造和测试我的能力."

“我们紧密的团队合作使得从想法到执行和测试的快速过渡成为可能, and witnessing rapid results is truly fulfilling."
Eric Norgren

3 questions

Your advice to a potential colleague?
Be intentional with your interests and show how engaged you are in it. 对一门学科有动力和兴趣比成为班上最好的学生更重要. 如果你对你的工作充满热情,你可以在星际网赌导航走很长的路.
The best thing about being a Saab employee? 
It's a combo of the technology we work with, 我们开发的酷而复杂的产品和我出色而能干的同事. 
Your biggest strength?