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Gripen during a dispersed road base operation.

部署. 生存. 赢得.

5分钟 读

The Gripen fighter system exists to guarantee air superiority in time of war. 瑞典对鹰狮的作战需求是由超级大国对空中全面冲突的威胁所驱动的, 陆地和海洋. This simple statement hides the highest possible objective; national survival. 结果是星际网赌导航的战斗机在设计的每一个环节都是威胁驱动的, and utterly unique. 

Gripen’s key combat systems include an advanced mix of sensors, electronic warfare, datalinks and weapons. 支持ing these essential capabilities, 但往往看不见, are other critical elements such as the fighter’s hardware architecture, 软件设计, cockpit interfaces and intelligent onboard systems; all fully-integrated to deliver powerful human machine collaboration (HMC) support for the pilot.


But impressive technology that proves to be unreliable, 僵化的, 设计不良, 如今,结构糟糕或过于昂贵的战斗机已经日益成为许多其他战斗机的典型特征. 瑞典从来没有过现在花钱看以后结果如何的奢侈. Fighter aircraft need to work first time, every time. 

“鹰狮”建立在星际网赌导航长达数十年的设计和交付战斗机的传统之上,这些战斗机不仅优于敌人,而且在每次需要时都能可靠有效地飞行和战斗, in a sustained conflict, in the very worst conditions. 

这种生存能力和有效性的理念嵌入了“鹰狮”的DNA中,是它与其他竞争对手区别开来的地方. Gripen can deliver maximum airpower with minimum resources. 它可以快速轻松地部署到您能想到的几乎任何操作位置, and is never tied down to long runways or expensive bases. This Swedish design imperative applies equally to any user anywhere in the world. Today more than ever air forces need to be able to deploy, operate and sustain the fight - but few are really 读y to do so. 
Gripen air forces are 读y.     

Disperse On Alert

In times of tension, when threat levels are rising, 一个小型“鹰狮”单元可以部署在远离常规基地的地方,提供灵活的快速反应警报(QRA)。. 这支部署的部队不容易受到突然袭击,而且可以在更靠近敌人活动区域的地方行动.


At a dispersed location anywhere in the country, 一组三架鹰狮可以保持24小时可用,其中两架处于警戒状态,一架处于待命状态. The mission is to be at 读iness for a short-notice ‘Alpha scramble’.
在阿尔法紧急状态下,战士们全副武装,能够应对任何侵略. “布拉沃紧急行动”是一项训练任务,旨在练习阿尔法紧急行动. This training is extremely important for QRA proficiency and, depending on the threat level, they are routinely conducted as part of a QRA deployment. 

Personnel required to support the three Gripens number 18: four pilots, 六个技术人员, 六个义务兵, two logistics staff. 部署ed to a small tarmac airstrip or a road base, with minimal facilities, this group will work 12 hours on, 休息12小时. 

作为QRA部队,鹰狮可以每天进行四次武装飞行,或在空中飞行约8小时.  对于这个, the fighters will require about 12 m3 of fuel per day.

支持 vehicles include a refuelling truck, 消防车、备件和地面设备部署在一个标准的20英尺集装箱内(或同等设备).
The Gripen team bring a deployable communication system with them and, in optimal conditions, 类似星际网赌导航可部署数字塔(r-TWR可部署)的系统可以用于额外的空中交通管制.



在战争时期,“简单的”和平时期的作战模式将转变到一个全新的水平. 在冲突的第一阶段,“鹰狮”很可能被要求执行防御性防空任务.e. fighter operations against attacking air forces. 对于这个, a large force would be deployed to their concealed dispersed operating locations; small tarmac airfields or road bases.  主要作战基地和较大的次要机场将无法使用-它们要么遭到攻击, or about to be attacked. 


A typical combat force might comprise 14 Gripen fighters plus two in reserve. 这些飞机在每个作战日(24小时轮流工作)可以出动大约112架次, eight per aircraft and well over 200 flight hours.
The demands on personnel rise accordingly. Full-scale combat operations with these 14+2 aircraft require around 100 people; 32 pilots, 32个技术人员, 40 conscripts and four in logistics all working in 12-hour shifts. 


理想情况下,像星际网赌导航的可部署飞机维修(DAM)设施这样的移动基地操作系统将被用来填补操作地点现有基础设施的不足. 当战斗机部队本身需要重新部署时,DAM可以迅速重新部署到一个新的基地. 同样的, 可部署的数字塔可以填补敌人攻击固定基础设施留下的空白.
