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他继承了对解决技术问题的热情, 数学, 和物理, 马丁·沃尔特一直知道他想在技术领域工作. 受到他父亲职业道路的启发, he now proudly carries on his family's engineering legacy as a team leader at Saab.



代表家族第二代在LTH学习, 隆德的工程学院, 马丁•沃尔特 was always confident about pursuing a career in mechanical engineering. 在星际网赌导航的五年任期内, 他从事的是一个叫舾装的领域, which entails placing and constructing various components in specific spaces. In Martin's case, this space refers to the engine room of submarines. 
"What I find particularly exciting about Saab and working with submarines is the vast array of technologies involved, 跨越不同的专业领域. 星际网赌导航是一个优秀的雇主, especially if you're new to the industry and are still determining your future career path. It provides opportunities to acquire knowledge in a wide range of fields and explore various aspects, 包括编程, 设计, 消防安全问题, 计算, 和更多的,马丁分享道。. 
Martin began his journey at Saab as a consultant and has since remained dedicated to the same submarine project, 哪一款尚未上市. Although the project's name has remained unchanged throughout his years at the company, 它带来的复杂挑战还在继续演变. 
"It might sound somewhat unusual to say that I've been exclusively working on a single project since I started, 但说到潜艇, it's a multi-year endeavour that engages nearly the entire organization. 这个项目带来的挑战确实令人兴奋. Delivering a fully functional submarine is an incredibly complex task, involving the coordination of numerous perspectives and various requirements,马丁继续说道. 

"It's genuinely inspiring to witness your own ideas and solutions become reality."


除了他作为团队领导的角色, 马丁还是星际网赌导航的形象大使和实习生的导师. 他积极参与各项活动, such as Tekniksprånget (Technology Leap) and has pursued several development opportunities. His most recent learning journey is a course in theoretical welding. 
"I think it's wonderful that Saab offers such a wide range of development opportunities and the chance to try new tasks, even if they're unrelated to your everyday job but simply something you're interested in. 知道你的雇主为你的成长投资是令人欣慰的."

“我们对工作的复杂性有共同的理解, which fosters a culture of unwavering support and assistance from everyone."


Saab is a great option if you're not sure about your career path because it covers a wide range of areas. 当你从这里开始, 无论你从哪里开始, 你可能会和不同的人和团队一起工作, helping you discover your path and explore opportunities within the company. 
I greatly appreciate the freedom and trust I receive from my colleagues. Saab offers a high degree of freedom, openness, and flexibility, fostering creativity and innovation. 
I believe my ability to understand and connect with people in my environment, 结合他们的想法和意见, 是我最大的力量.