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The launch of GlobalEye airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) marked another leap forward from Saab in radar technology. GlobalEye is the only airborne surveillance system on the market capable of simultaneous air, 海上及陆上监察. Smart ways of working and cutting edge in-house capabilities have been key to achieving this.

星际网赌导航公司的空中预警和控制系统(AEW)&C) system GlobalEye is yet another innovation in the field of radar technology, 星际网赌导航在那里放了一个全新的, 将突破性的能力推向市场.


With GlobalEye customers not only gain access to leading-edge surveillance capabilities, but also joining forces with Saab as a company combining the in-house competencies of a large system integrator, aircraft manufacturer and provider of sensors and command and control systems. The key to Saab's ability to take the prime contractor role for this ground breaking AEW&C语言解决方案 builds on expertise and innovation in several areas. 这包括雷达技术, C4I解决方案, system- and platform integration as well as electronic warfare. A large proportion of GlobalEye’s sub systems are made up of world-leading products manufactured by Saab.

GlobalEye constitutes the most recent step in the spiral development of Saab’s family of airborne surveillance solutions. Spiral development is all about working in increments, constantly improving products and technology.

通过为每个产品创建路线图, 不仅为每个客户适配, Saab ensures the products are constantly evolving while costs are kept down.  The new Erieye ER (Extended Range)  radar marks the start of an entirely new development spiral, 使用以前版本的Erieye的成熟技术. 

Re-using technology across different products is another key aspect. Saab has adapted ways of working from commercial industries and constantly re-uses technology across products and applications through base programmes. 在传感器区域内, 例如, Saab’s customers benefit from all the developments made in this area, including developments to the surface based Giraffe radars as well as the airborne radars including Erieye ER and our Electronic Warfare systems.

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Saab has decades of expertise and innovation in sensor and radar technology. 作为一个完整的预警系统&C integrator Saab use unique in-house competences and system integration expertise in combination with the very best third party solutions, like the top-of-the range Global 6000 aircraft from Bombardier, 作为“全球之眼”预警系统的平台&C语言解决方案.

This gives Saab the advantage of exquisite in-house competence and deep knowledge of technology across all domains and subsystems.