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Saab embraces the possibilities of working with external partners to find and develop innovative solutions that will take our company, 行业与社会进一步发展.

Through our history of working with the Swedish state, Saab has always embraced collaboration. But we also collaborate for pragmatic reasons. We accept that we don’t have all the answers or resources within our own walls, so we are ready and willing to work with others to achieve the best results and innovations, and at the same time answer our own strategic needs. 

It’s also true that the Swedish approach to business encourages collaboration. And from Saab’s perspective we see no conflict in competing with a company in one area while being a partner to it in another – because our portfolio of products and services is so broad that this is not an unlikely prospect.

For Saab, collaborating with other companies in smart partnerships is both necessary and desirable. It’s necessary because Saab is just one component in huge defence deals such as the Gripen fighter system or the A26 Blekinge-class submarine. These are multi-year projects that involve national governments, 金融机构, 以及其他工业生产者. And it’s desirable because it’s common sense to choose the best and most cost-effective way wherever possible, 为了公司的利益, 我们的客户和社会.

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协作 is key, and in a rapidly changing world we leverage the power within our periphery
弗雷德里克·克罗尔, Head of Saab Start-up 协作s


We work with start-ups to ensure Saab has the most up-to-date knowledge and skills when developing new products and technologies and to meet the needs that our company and customers have.

We take a systematic approach to what we need internally and to seeking external start-up collaborations. Sometimes we need a start-up’s freedom from established procedures and its agility to pitch, 探索和发展新的建议, to act as a complement to our strong delivery culture.

Our 创新 operations group focuses on finding the right partners for Saab, and on removing any barriers to us working together. 同时, the small companies benefit from Saab's network and we may serve as their first customer.

Identifying the right partners means casting the net wide: going to start-up events, innovation competitions and industry meetups; inviting interested companies to contact Saab via our 创新 home page; and sifting through these new contacts before sending them on to the appropriate business area for their review.

Saab wins Best Start-up Hack and Best Start-up Collaborator at Ignite Awards 2019

星际网赌导航被授予, 不是一个,而是两个奖项, during the annual 点燃瑞典 Day Conference in Stockholm for our successful collaboration with start-up company Attractive Interactive.

视频- 01:23


Saab is involved in several collaborations and partner networks that help drive innovation, 包括:

Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program:

This privately funded research programme focuses on artificial intelligence and autonomous systems acting in collaboration with humans, adapting to and learning from their environment through sensors, 信息和知识, 形成智能系统的系统. Software is the main enabler in these systems and is an integrated research theme of the programme.

Saab is a partner in WASP and has several people in the team, while our Chief Technical Oficer Petter Bedoire is a representative on the board. Saab’s involvement with WASP includes the research arena for public safety (WARA-PS), 这提供了一个现实的, large scale and industrially relevant demonstration environment, using scenarios that focus on keeping society and citizens safe. 阅读更多


amexi是关节R&D venture by 11 Swedish companies, including Saab. Its goal is to accelerate the use of Additive Manufacturing in industry, by raising awareness of this technology and by supporting customers in their journey to adopt Additive Manufacturing technology, 增加他们的竞争优势.

AMEXCI offers its customers the chance to develop their products and people using Additive Manufacturing as the enabler for higher performance and shorter lead times for a more innovative and sustainable future production. Its Karlskoga labs offer additive manufacturing services, 材料分析, 机械测试和客户培训. Saab’s Head of Dynamics Görgen Johansson sits on the board, and the development of future materials for the likes of aeroplanes is of particular interest.


As a trusted partner to Microsoft’s Mixed Reality programme, Saab is creating applications for various hardware platforms, 包括微软的全息透镜.


In 2016, Saab became one of the first developers invited by Microsoft into the latter’s mixed reality partner programme. 我们在阿德莱德的核心开发团队, 澳大利亚, has created applications for the Microsoft 全息透镜 mixed reality and virtual headsets. The Saab development team has also created a wide range of applications for the defence, 卫生保健, 教育, 市场及资源界别. 阅读更多


Saab is collaborating with Swedish start-up Centropy to research new types of cooling solutions for electronic components. The technology has the potential for great application in, 等, 航空航天, 汽车, 数据中心和计算机.


在过去十年中, Saab 澳大利亚 has been collaborating with radar specialists CEA Technologies on several big defence projects. CEA’s radar has been integrated into the 9LV combat system Saab has developed for the Royal 澳大利亚n Navy’s major surface ships. The 9LV system is also present in many other countries’ naval armouries.


The overall strategic goals of Saab’s university partnerships are:

  • High quality research that has great relevance to industry. We do so by establishing close collaborations within agreed research areas.
  • Undergraduate 教育 that attracts top students and meets Saab’s skills needs.
  • 加强国际伙伴关系.
  • Cross-fertilisation of ideas between Saab and other strategic partners linked to each institution.

Among the further 教育 partners Saab collaborates with are Linköping University. 今天, a large part of Saab’s funding for research and development is invested in Linköping and the university also benefits from this. Many of the university’s students do their degree projects at Saab. The company also offers apprenticeships and has several industrial doctoral students studying at Linköping University.

Other universities that Saab works with include:

  • 皇家理工学院, 查尔默斯大学, Lund University and FHS Swedish Defence University, in Sweden; and,
  • Aalto University (芬兰); Purdue University and Michigan Technological University (both USA).


R&T strategy outlines the direction in which Saab focuses competence and technology development to give us the capabilities that give Saab’s products their competitive advantage and market position. Key Saab personnel are active in various national and international forums, boards and other organisations that have an impact on R&瑞典和欧洲的T项目. R&T activities are broken down into technology and scouting; studies of emerging technologies; internal, Saab-only R&T projects; and, Collaborative projects.

大部分的R&T projects are collaborations that are partly funded by external sources, 比如欧盟, FMV (the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration) and Vinnova (the Swedish innovation agency, which works closely with Saab and others on, 例如, the Swedish National Aeronautics Research Programme, NFFP).

在民用领域,R&T focuses on demonstration programmes such as the European research programme Clean Sky, which aims to reduce the environmental impact of the aircraft industry, while also strengthening European collaboration and competitiveness. The civilan programmes also support necessary technological development for defence products.

In the defence sector, the European Union is establishing a European Defence Fund. The EU funds research and co-funds development with EU member states. Two preparatory actions are ongoing and Saab is participating in several projects in both the research and the development windows. The first demonstrator to be given the go-ahead was Ocean 2020, 由达芬奇协调, where Saab will lead the final Baltic Sea demonstration.

Saab’s EU Affairs and NATO office in Brussels provides a valuable interface for the company with European industry and the European Union, including the European Defence Fund’s Horizon Europe framework programme for research and innovation.


Identifying the right suppliers is crucial, so we can find the right collaborators for complex, 多维的交易. We are always subject to procurement rules in our partnerships, while our 行为准则 for 供应商 ensures that those we work follow the ten principles set out in the UN Global Compact. 供应商门户


Through our history of working with the Swedish state, Saab has always embraced collaboration. But we also collaborate for pragmatic reasons. We accept that we don’t have all the answers or resources within our own walls, so we are ready and willing to work with others to achieve the best results and innovations, and at the same time answer our own strategic needs.

星际网赌导航被授予, 不是一个,而是两个奖项, during the annual 点燃瑞典 Day Conference in Stockholm for our successful collaboration with start-up company Attractive Interactive.

Saab wins Best Start-up Hack and Best Start-up Collaborator at Ignite Awards 2019

瓦伦堡AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Programme (WASP) brings together Swedish industry and academia to ensure Sweden will be competitive in the future. 星际网赌导航在该计划中发挥着重要作用, providing research and administrative talent, 以及技术专长.

WASP: shaping the future of Swedish industry