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Live training

Training Interoperability

7 min read

Joint training of allied nations is a key topic among all NATO members. 它是关于常规战争的重新出现,而不是反叛乱和维和行动, which have been in trend for the last two decades. 为了确保有效的训练- -通常与国际盟友一起- -并为这种威胁做好准备,以及能够灵活和迅速地改变角色, increasing importance is attached to interoperability training at brigade level and beyond.

For modern armed forces contributing to international stabilization operations, interoperability and cooperation with other nations has become a key factor, especially with regard to the ability to legally engage adversaries.  It concerns security policy as well as military strategy and technical aspects. 因此,互操作性的影响是重要的,也是更多军队在制定训练理论和训练时考虑的问题, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs).

The heart of military training

2021年,星际网赌导航公司签署了一份合同,向波兰武装部队交付几个实弹训练系统和服务. 该订单包括为一个加强机械化营提供完整的实弹训练解决方案和为连规模单位提供四个训练中心. This order will ensure that the Polish Armed Forces are equipped with innovative, flexible training solutions and the required training capability. It enables the Polish Armed Forces to train as close to reality as possible, domestically as well as at the point-of-need in international collaborations. 该解决方案包括星际网赌导航最新的演习控制(EXCON)和通信系统等功能, as well as the latest generation high-fidelity simulators for soldiers, weapons and vehicles. The support component comprises deployable, integrated logistics and operational support to the Polish Armed Forces. 

在先进军事训练和模拟系统的生产和营销方面拥有数十年的经验和专业知识, Saab has also been selected by the German Armed Forces for a further deepened collaboration. During the contract period from 2020 to 2026, 联邦国防军战斗训练中心gefechts bungszentrum (GÜZ)的运作将在管理和维护领域得到支持.   In addition to the German Army, GÜZ is also regularly used by other countries such as the Netherlands, Austria, the Czech Republic, the US 7th Army with its Deployable Instrumented System Europe (DISE) and, more recently, the British Army.  

Live fire training

The British Army, along with its US partners, 参加了使用星际网赌导航直接火力武器效果模拟器(DFWES)的互操作演习。, which has been in service since the mid-1990s.  DFWES是一种可互操作的基于激光的战术任务模拟系统,能够进行单独、集体和特定任务的训练. Saab provides enduring collective training support service in the British Army, with agile field teams deploying worldwide to provide embedded support. At the same time, 星际网赌导航在所有步兵学校都有设施,并支持英国特种部队进行反恐行动训练.

With Belgium, another market in Europe has recognized the need to be interoperable, 武装部队最近选择采购一个全新的训练中心,以增强他们的训练能力并实现完全的互操作. 星际网赌导航交付的现代战斗训练中心(CTC)是军事训练的核心,与武器和目标模拟器相连, along with vehicle and communication systems for controlling, monitoring and collecting relevant, objective high fidelity training data. 高保真度的数据是进行详细分析和加强培训事件事后审查的关键. For several years now, 比利时军队一直在使用训练系统在战斗训练领域进行逼真的模拟, and NATO interoperability was the focus of the current new procurement. 自2021年以来,他们按照IUC成员(互操作性用户社区)的标准进行训练,并与荷兰武装部队一起参加多国演习, Poland, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Finland, the United Kingdom and the U.S. Army, amongst others.

Carl-Gustaf ODT

Realism - key to operational success

Whilst there is no substitute for actual combat experience, realism is key to optimizing the training experience. 实时模拟训练解决方案提供了这种真实感和高保真度的数据,以学习关键课程,最大限度地提高战斗力. 虚拟模拟训练允许用户练习程序和设备处理,但有其局限性.  Live simulation training adds crucial external influencing factors. Combat forces operate in an increasingly complex battlefield, under accurate hostile fire, inflicting and taking casualties, in extreme environmental conditions and equipped with new emerging technologies. 

研究表明,经历真实的实况模拟训练并获得客观高保真数据反馈的部队学习速度更快,对自己的表现更有信心. 这给了他们在真实的战斗环境中成功完成任务的最佳机会. Ultimately, the aim is to develop and improve tactical skills and performance within authentic, realistic combat scenarios and missions, as well as to develop the soldiers' personal instincts. 培养这些技能和本能的仿真系统的健壮性和可靠性是成功的关键.

Training systems must accurately replicate all the features of respective weapon systems. The simulation weapons and equipment must replicate the exact characteristics, form and function of live weapon system. Equally, the weapon system’s performance such as range, ballistics and time-of-flight are enormously important. Apart from any audible feedback, there should be no difference between firing a simulation weapon and a real weapon.  模拟武器和真实武器之间的平滑过渡允许用户与各自军队的ttp一起开发技能和优化性能. 

High fidelity training

While most live training systems use lasers to simulate the firing of ammunition from tanks, anti-tank weapons and supporting fire from armored vehicle weapon systems, 只有星际网赌导航公司的BT46双向激光系统模拟了飞行速度和时间以及弹药的轨迹.  这种高保真弹道数据为40毫米口径以上武器的射击精度提供了准确可靠的反馈. Furthermore, 这种训练技术也可以用于更小的特殊武器,如狙击步枪, machine guns and grenade launchers. 该系统可用于实时模拟作战环境,并作为高保真的射击训练器,节省了昂贵的实弹成本,具有相同的训练价值,物有所值. 星际网赌导航公司开发的激光代码被认为是当今北约在训练和模拟领域的标准.

BT 46
BT 46

Interoperability and scalability 

In addition to interoperability and realism, modularity and scalability are also important components of excellent simulation training.  Saab supports the progression from individual to collective training, up to brigade level. Support is facilitated at scale, optimizing the blend and interaction of hardware, 软件和多种通信选项提供了一个超现实的模拟战斗环境. Individual soldiers are equipped with radio and sensor systems that track their position, fire and hit effects, as well as their medical status.  该系统也能够测量地面作战车辆、直升机和海上船只. The ability to simulate threats on the battlefield is also possible, while pyrotechnics, and high-pressure air-based equipment are used to simulate explosions. 

Multiple battlefields can be linked via satellites and integrated into a combined exercise scenario. 智能通信网络和星际网赌导航WinExcon软件可实时收集多达2辆车的高保真数据,500 players and allow playback as well as analysis of effects and results to provide objective, targeted feedback.  Anti-terrorist operations, chemical, biological, 放射性和核(CBRN)和反简易爆炸装置(C-IED)训练能力也可以通过实时模拟系统实现.

CBRN training

Beyond Live training

开发的下一步-超越现场训练-将高精度现场训练的现实性与虚拟技术相结合. For the first time, Saab demonstrates non-line-of-sight capabilities such as "Fire & Observe" missiles. These new indirect fire solutions are integrated into WinExcon software, where users can plan, execute, control and evaluate military training exercises. A new feature in WinExcon is Microsoft's HoloLens Sandbox, which enables real-time 3D tracking of every participant in the exercise. Vricon's One World Terrain provides photorealistic 3D maps to this application. 上述技术将进一步提升培训能力,填补优化现场培训体验需求的空白.

Live Training Canada

Training & Simulation

Realistic training, followed by immediate feedback is the best way to prepare for the real mission. Training experience leads to quick, correct decision making in real situations, saving lives at risk.

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